1. 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作项目“中阿乳类与代谢健康联合实验室”项目负责人(No. 2023YFE0114200)2023.12-2026.12
2. 国家重点研发计划食品营养与安全关键技术研发重点专项“食品活性组份对不同生理状态下机体消化道健康影响机制”课题负责人(No. 2022YFF1100104) 2022.12-2026.12
3. 国家重点研发计划食品制造与农产品物流科技支撑专项“基于中国母乳研究的新一代婴配粉制造技术研究及示范”子课题负责人(No. 2022YFD2101505)2022.11-2027.10
4. 国家自然科学基金“妊娠糖尿病母体羊水和母乳低聚糖组成对后代发育及远期健康的影响及其机制研究” 项目负责人(No. 82173500)2022.1-2025.12
6. 新疆维吾尔自治区重点研发计划项目“新疆特色植物多肽的功效评价及应用技术研究”课题负责人 (No. 2017B03020-2)2017-2021.
7. 国家自然科学基金“炎性反应机制在肥胖大鼠后代出生缺陷和糖脂代谢紊乱发生中的作用研究”项目负责人(No.30901201)2010.1-2012.12
8. 联合国儿童基金会“中国孕期妇女贫血状况和影响因素研究”,项目负责人2019.1-2021.12
9. 北京市自然科学基金“外源性核苷酸联合叶酸拮抗酒精致畸作用及其机制研究”,项目负责人 2009.1-2011.12.
10. 教育部博士点基金“槲皮素对肥胖大鼠后代出生缺陷的拮抗作用及其机制研究”项目负责人2009.1-2011.12
1. Yang Y, Zhou Y, Ye W, Shi H, Wen Z, Peng Y, Han M, Shao B, Xu Y*. Integration of LC-MS-based untargeted and targeted metabolomics to uncover novel whole grain wheat dietary intake biomarkers in the plasma of the Chinese population. Food Research International 2025, 202: 115740.
2. Han M, Li K, Fang Y, Chen B, Sun H, Xie Q, Zhang S, Jiang S, Lv J, Xu Y*. Characteristics of casein phosphopeptides in Chinese human milk and its correlation with infant growth: a cross-sectional study. Food Chemistry 2024,447: 139007.
3. Zhu X, Zhou Y, Wen Z, Ye W, Gao L, Xu Y*. A prospective study of the association between dietary inflammatory index and bone density changes among pregnant women in China. Nutrients 2024,16(3):455.
4. Yang Y, Zhou Y, Lyu Y, Shao B, Xu Y*. High-throughput multitarget quantitative assay to profile the whole grain-specific phytochemicals alkylresorcinols, benzoxazinoids and avenanthramides in whole grain and grain-based foods. Food Chemistry 2023,426: 136663.
5. Zhao R, Zhou Y, Shi H, Ye W, Lyu Y, Wen Z, Li R, Xu Y*. Effect of Gestational Diabetes on Postpartum Depression-Like Behavior in Rats and Its Mechanism. Nutrients 2022, 14(6): 1229.
6. Zhou Y, Zhao R, Lyu Y, Shi H, Ye W, Tan Y, Li R, Xu Y *.Serum and amniotic fluid metabolic profiles changes in response to gestational diabetes mellitus and the association with maternal-fetal outcomes. Nutrients 2021, 13(10), 3644.
7. Liu W, Sun H, Zhou Y, Li Y, Yong Qin, Li R, Chen Y, Yu L, Zhao M, Zhang W and Xu Y*. Goat Milk Improves Glucose Homeostasis via Enhancement of Hepatic and Skeletal Muscle AMP-activated Protein Kinase Activation and Modulation of Gut Microbiota in Streptozocin-induced Diabetic Rats. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. 2021,65(6):e2000888.
8. Li R, Yu L, Qin Y, Zhou Y, Liu W, Li Y, Chen Y and Xu Y*. Protective effects of rare earth lanthanum on acute ethanol-induced oxidative stress in mice via Keap 1/Nrf2/p62 activation. Science of the Total Environment. 2021,758: 143626.
9. Liu W, Zhou Y, Li Y, Qin Y, Yu L, Li R, Chen Y and Xu Y*. Effects of PM2.5 exposure during gestation on maternal gut microbiota and pregnancy outcomes. Chemosphere. 2020, 247:125879.
10. Liu W, Zhang M, Zhou Y, Li Y, Qin Y and Xu Y*. Sex-dependent effects of PM2.5 maternal exposure on offspring’s serum lipoproteins and gut microbiota. Science of the Total Environment. 2020,739: 139982.