1. 北京市教育科学“十一五”规划2009年度课题,初中生预防校园暴力教育研究。
2. 2013年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目,幼儿园和小学儿童预防性侵犯教育研究。
1.Chen J. Q., Dunne M. P., Han P. Child sexual abuse in China: A study of adolescents in four provinces. Child Abuse & Neglect, 2004, 28 (11): 1171-1186
2.Jing Qi Chen, Da Guang Chen. Awareness of child sexual abuse prevention education among parents of Grade 3 elementary school pupils in Fuxin City, China. HEALTH EDUCATION RESEARCH Theory & Practice, 2005, 20 (5): 540-547
3.Chen, J.Q, Dunne, M. P., Han, P. Child Sexual Abuse in Henan province, China: Associations with sadness, suicidality and risk behaviors among adolescent girls. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2006, 38(5), 544-549
4.Jingqi Chen, Michael P. Dunne, Ping Han. Prevention of child sexual abuse in China: Knowledge, attitudes and communication practices of parents of elementary school children. Child Abuse & Neglect, 2007,31 (7): 747-755
5.Ma YT, Chen JQ, Xiao WQ, Wang FM, Zhang M. Parents’ self-reporting of child physical maltreatment in Yuncheng City, China, Child Abuse and Neglect, 2011, 35 (8): 592-600
6.Fu Man Wang, Jing Qi Chen, Wan Qing Xiao, Ya Ting Ma, and Man Zhang. Peer Physical Aggression and Its Association With Aggressive Beliefs, Empathy, Self-Control, and Cooperation Skills Among Students in a Rural Town of China. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2012, 27(16) 3252–3267.
7.陈晶琦,张文静,李景壹,罗晓玲. 北京市三所学校初一学生预防性侵犯教育影响评价. 中国儿童保健杂志,2013,21 (1): 23-26
8.Wenjing Zhang, Jingqi Chen, Yanan Feng, Jingyi Li, Chengfeng Liu and Xiaoxia Zhao. Evaluation of a Sexual Abuse Prevention Education for Chinese Preschoolers. Research on Social Work Practice. 2014, 24 (4): 428-436
9.Yingying Jiang, JingQi Chen, Buyi Yu, Yichen Jin. Physical violence against children with hearing loss by parents: A pilot study in Beijing, China. Child Abuse & Neglect, 2017, 72: 258–265
10.Yichen Jin, Jingqi Chen, Buyi Yu & Yingying Jiang. Evaluation of a sexual abuse prevention education program for school-age children in China: a comparison of teachers and parents as instructors. HEALTH EDUCATION RESEARCH, 2017, 32 (4): 364-373