Schoool health education, prevention education of child sexual abuse, school violence prevention, preventing parental violence to their children.
1. Project of Beijing's Eleventh Five-Year Plan for Educational Science in 2009, School violence prevention education in junior high school students.
2. Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Research Planning Fund Project in 2013, Research on sexual abuse prevention education in kindergartens and primary school children.
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8. Wenjing Zhang, Jingqi Chen, Yanan Feng, Jingyi Li, Chengfeng Liu and Xiaoxia Zhao. Evaluation of a Sexual Abuse Prevention Education for Chinese Preschoolers. Research on Social Work Practice. 2014, 24 (4): 428-436
9. Yingying Jiang, JingQi Chen, Buyi Yu, Yichen Jin. Physical violence against children with hearing loss by parents: A pilot study in Beijing, China. Child Abuse & Neglect, 2017, 72: 258–265
10. Yichen Jin, Jingqi Chen, Buyi Yu & Yingying Jiang. Evaluation of a sexual abuse prevention education program for school-age children in China: a comparison of teachers and parents as instructors. HEALTH EDUCATION RESEARCH, 2017, 32 (4): 364-373